I support this...and whatever they decide. But..the article made it seem like we are made to follow the Strength of Youth, when in fact it's recommended and encouraged for very wise reasons. If you're wearing really super tight jeans, you could possibly be allowing bad thoughts to creep into someone else's mind, that wouldn't have been there in the first place. I can definitely see why some (seems like SO many) people are upset about this, because the campus hasn't come out and broadcasted that it's a set change in the honor code. But, if they do..I will be behind them all the way! Also, I think some are over exaggerating about this issue and assuming that ALL skinny jeans are going to be banned because of this news article. If it's in the news, it's gotta be true, right? WRONG. The news (and journalists) sometimes push things farther than they truly are in order to catch the attention and interest of viewers/readers. It will be okay, everyone..it's NOT the end of the world.

I agree. It really shouldn't be a problem to follow the rules of a college or religion one has voluntarily agreed to support.
ReplyDeleteUmm.... if you read the articles from the icomm Scroll website, it says that BYU-Idaho is NOT going to ban skinny jeans. It was just a rumor.
ReplyDeleteThe video: http://www.byuicomm.net/blog/2011/12/08/skinny-jeans-not-banned-at-byu-idaho/
original article: http://www.byuicomm.net/blog/2011/12/07/testing-center-reminds-students-of-dress-and-grooming-standards/
BYU-Idaho's stand: http://www.byuicomm.net/blog/2011/12/07/official-position-of-byu-idaho-on-skinny-jeans/
Hope that clears things up for you.
That's what I said in this... "Also, I think some are over exaggerating about this issue and assuming that ALL skinny jeans are going to be banned because of this news article." ...But some people wear the ones that are TOO tight and that's who I think shouldn't be wearing them anyway. But..I do understand when that's all someone owns and we're all poor college students, so I don't expect people to go out and buy new jeans. Plus, I'm not the one in charge. Just sharing my opinion. And..your's are not the really tight ones that I'm talking about....just so that's cleared up. I understand that they are not banning them, which is great because some of them aren't bad. But, what really gets me, is how girls can just walk around campus, in leggings (thicker than normally), or spandex, and that's all they were for bottoms..I see it ALL the time and that's not right and they aren't going to track down people and "arrest" them for breaking the honor code, because it's something that we all agreed to when coming here so they expect us to follow it, on our own. And that's what everyone should try and do. I'm not trying to force anything on anyone, because that wouldn't be right..at all, but I'm just saying that we all agreed to it (myself included). And I admit wearing sweat pants in the library once, but I've come to understand my view of the honor code and how much I want to take it seriously so I agree NOT to do that again. See..I'm not perfect when it comes to this, either. But I've decided to change my ways. [:
ReplyDeleteYeah. I think that if they are going to make modifications, first they must wait until a new semester and make us sign it again, because it'a not fair to us if we keep our side of the deal and they keep changing their side of the deal. Second, if they are going to make modifications, they need to realize that people don't even follow the honor code as it is. Yes, with the leggings and short skirts. The hard part about the honor code is that it's basically open to self-interpretation, and everyone has a different view of what it means. I don't think it's right at all for one person to say that everyone is just interpreting it wrong, and they need to go pray to understand what it actually means. At BYU-Idaho, we do have stricter rules than church rules, but it is what we agreed to. I agree with ya ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah...I don't think it's right for one person to say that everyone is misinterpreting the honor code either, because some take it seriously and others just have different views about it. And then there are some who don't care and want to disobey the honor code, which I don't understand why they would want to do that. And I also agree that it's not fair to change something in the middle of the semester or during the last month, but they should address that at the beginning of the next semester and make sure it's broadcasted so everyone knows about it. I'm glad we agree (;